„Multi-line“ type lines
It concerns mostly the semi-automated lines for medium-scale production. These lines are capable to bake wide assortment of products with low investment costs and they can respond to the actual demand from the purchasers of the bakery shop in flexible way.
Overview of the chosen product assortment:
- toast bread,
- bread made by the special recipes baked in individual tins, or in various large sets of tins, or on trays,
- hamburger buns,
- ciabatta, pan rustico etc.
When in designing the line, it is necessary to choose the expected types of products that pre-determinate the essential equipment of the line. The equipment for dough preparation, loading of tins or trays or also the proofer must meet sometimes the dissimilar parameters for particular types of the products. It is the most convenient to consult first with our specialists all the requirements and then to prepare the design and the technical proposal of the production line so that it would meet the requests for the production and it would reflect the possibilities of the line layout in the premises of the bakeshop.
Band types
Types of tunnel ovens
Oven accessories
- Automatic control of dampers
- Automatic regulation of steam pressure
- DUOTHERM – forced air circulation
- Extended steam zone
- Extension of infeed and outfeed of the oven
- Hydraulic band tensioning
- PLC – control with touch panel
- Pressureless steam generator
- Remote control of baking time
- Stainless steel 2-jacketed chimneys and exhausts
- Stainless steel fan of forced exhaust
- STIR – infrared radiation
- Utilization of waste heat