
Logo společnosti J 4 s.r.o.

“We build ovens for mastersof their craft”

Archive des actualités

Due to a great success of baking bread in J4 tunnel oven our customer decided to increase the production capacity of the bakery. Representatives of J4 Company were invited to visit Mongolia to discuss further supplies. This visit did not escape the interest of local media which made an interview wit

Visit in Mongolia, En savoir plus »

Server, which is intended to worldwide support of bakers and confectioners, wrote about J4 development department. In case of your interest please find the article, where you can read more also about our cooperation with Topos Mondial.

J4 - article in, En savoir plus »

We are introducing you a new video from the bakery in Philadelphia created by our dealer Topos Mondial Corporation. As we already mentioned in one of the previous news, at the bakery we installed two identical cyclothermic tunnel ovens PPP 162.211-2V 4, Du for production of white bread. Each oven ha

Presentation video of tunnel baking ovens in Philadelphia (USA) Philadelfia (USA), En savoir plus »

Popular Czech TV show Jidlo s.r.o. introduced interesting video showing the process of production of salty sticks in company Canto.

TV show Jidlo s.r.o. - production of salty sticks , En savoir plus »

Company J4 launched into operation a new cyclothermic oven PPP 2.1 50,211 for baking of pastry - batons. This bakery already has three tunnel ovens - one old PPC TMS and two newer PPP J4 Ltd.

Launching into operation - new cyclothermic tunnel oven in Balakovo (Russia), En savoir plus »

Company J4 launched into operation a new double-deck cyclothermic oven PPP 2.5 60.211-2E intended for baking of batons. The dough pieces are laid on lower-deck and later, after partial baking, they are transported by lift to the upper-deck of the oven. Final baking take place in upper-deck in the

Launching into operation new double-deck oven in Jonava (Lithuania)., En savoir plus »
